Using MEDIALecture In The LMS

When using MEDIALecture through the LMS the experience is slightly different to when using it through the MEDIAL portal. After clicking on the Record button, there will be another screen displayed to show where the MEDIALecture app should appear.

In the LMS, click on Record.

In the pop-up window which opens, select MEDIALecture and click Open Link. If it isn't installed on the system skip to the next step.

If MEDIALecture isn't installed then click on Download. If it was opened as shown above in the previous step then click It's already running.

After clicking on It's already running (once it is downloaded and installed if necessary) another window will appear demonstrating where MEDIALecture will be displayed on the desktop. Click Continue to close the window, and check the Don't show me this again check box if you don't wish to see this message in future.

The window will change to show that the recording will appear in it once it has been completed using MEDIALecture.

Continue to use MEDIALecture as normal to perform the recording. For more information on how to use MEDIALecture please see the following topic. Once the recording is complete fill out the fields in the Upload Options window and click Upload.

The recording will be uploaded to the LMS, and an Upload Success screen will appear. In the example below, the LMS being used is Moodle. The MEDIAL administrator can customize this image to match the LMS being used by the institution. Information on doing this can be found in the MEDIALecture section of the Customization topic. Click on Close to complete the process.

The recording will then appear in the window in the LMS.

Click on Select Video and then complete the upload process in the LMS to add the recording into the assignment.